Quiz-question suggestions: Chocolate

Potential quiz-questions about Chocolate
Local chocolate
- What town / city is the COMPANY NAME in?
- What is their most famous product?
- When did the factory open?
- When is National Chocolate Day in the USA [28 October]
Chocolate in literature
- Who owned the chocolate factory which Charlie won a golden Ticket to visit? [Willy Wonka]
- Who said "Mine's me of squisious, the chocolate with a soul." [Joyce, in Finnegan's Wake]
- What country was Joanne Harris's Chocolat set in? [France]
- What is the title of the for of the adventure novel by GA McKevett' in which the female PI investigates death threats against a TV chef? [Death by Chocolate]
- Who wrote The Chocolate Lovers' Club? [Carole Matthews]
- In one language, the trees which grow the beans that chocolate is made from are are called Theobroma Cacao which translates as "food of the gods" - which language is that? [Latin]
Chemistry of chocolate
- What type of brain waves are triggered by the smell of chocolate? [ theta waves]
- What type of chocolate isn't really chocolate? [white chocolate]
- What beans is choclate made from? [ cacao beans]
- Should you give your dog a chocolate biscuit as a special treat? [no: chocolate makes dogs sick]
- What's the best kitchen equipment to use if you want to melt chocolate? [double-boiler]
- What is Theobromine? [A stimulant found in chocolate]
- What sort of chocolate has been shown to be beneficial to human health? [Dark chocolate ]
History of chocolate
- English chocolate company Cadbury made the first chocolate bar in the world. When did they make it? [1842]
- What continent grows the most cacao beans today? [Africa - about 70%]
- How as drinking chocolate first marketed? [As an alternative to alcohol]
- According to Aztec legend, who brought cacao to earth [the god Quetzalcoatl - possibly allow various spellings]
- When were chocolate chip cookies / biscuits invented, and where [1937 - at the Toll House Inn] <== question best for American quizzes
- In which country is there a 20-foot statue of a pair of hands simply holding a cacao pod? [Indonesia]